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FairyTales, St. Briavel's Castle Forest Argent LARP

Sep 29th - Oct 1st 2017

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Forest Argent LARP


Low Fantasy


12th century murder mysteries, but with a twist:
"The year is 1144, Matilda of Boulogne has returned to Normandy and King Stephen has been acclaimed King by the Barons. All is at last peaceful in our green country, and yet trouble seems to have hovered over our troubled land. The nobility seem not to feel it, but the cross is heavy on us who have forsaken the world. We see trouble in the deep woods, more than the habitual bandits who gather there and murder travelers in these dark times, more even than the troublesome soldiers who have bee left without work and cause mischief among the surfs.
There is talk of children disappearing, of dark rites being taken in the deep forest.

Old things creep from forgotten places, things that where once remembered and seek remembrance again.
The monastic orders however must stand silent, we must hear not the cries of the peasantry for the flock is not our concern, and we do not partake of the world anymore. However, others do and I have given over the last of my life to noting the names and the deeds of those who would otherwise be forgotten. Some are not Christian, others renegades, but all have given their oath to investigate this darkness. It saddens me that we cannot sing their praises, give song to their valour but many of these walk outside of God and the church must keep its involvement secret."

We have a huge amount of kit and equipment to lend everyone and there really is nothing stopping you coming along to wander the halls of a Norman edifice and enjoy a whodunnit with food and a banquet.

Costs include food, comfortable beds, a banquet on the Saturday night and all the amenities the YHA have to offer.


St Briavels Castle YHA
St Briavels
GL15 6RG
United Kingdom


£70 - £90

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