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The Bounds of Envy

Organiser: Archaeus Larp

Location: Penn Wood Scouting Centre, Stroud

Breaking my Covid Isolation

Written by Vollsanger on 14/10/2021

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After a long period of isolation through the pandemic it was with great trepidation that I approached this event.
Many new people, one or two known to me from other systems, but this was a new system, many new players, new rules, new restrictions.
Indeed - on getting out of the car and being approached it was almost alien to back off lightly and not start shaking hands..
I was overjoyed by the reaction that everyone displayed when just intimating that I wished to keep some level of distance.
But I was soon immersed in the game - the monster crew were excellent, and hitting a few zombies with my Holy Mandolin of Antioch soon got me in the mood.
The opportunity to act as Bard in a LARP setting was a great revival for me - and then I found myself surrounded by a group that had singing, playing, reciting, and storytelling skills and the evenings were a joy and brought more to the system than I can state.
I was surrounded by players old and new who thrived upon the opportunities for taking the basic plot and twisting it to their particular version - and the game team and plot monkeys just rolled with every unlikely option and turned it into spectacular.
I attended mainly as a Bard and entertainment.
I found myself involved in story and the atmosphere and the WeltGeist.
Catering was excellent, "More Mead" their normal wonderful bar.
All in all, well recommended for the future

Archaeus Larp
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