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To edit your review, use the link in the email you were sent when you created it. If you did not create this review and feel you should have access, email us on dave@larpevents.co.uk and include the address of the review page.

Please ensure you fill out as much as possible.

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Your Review

You can only review past events. We will not approve reviews written by the organiser. Organisers should urge their participants to submit reviews. Reviews should be honest and not overly frothy.

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Rate The Event

The quality and appropriateness of the costume and props supplied by the organiser. This includes the effort they put in and value for money.
The standard of roleplay at the event, including both the players and crew. Consider how often people dropped character and how appropriate the roleplay was to the setting.
How well did the rules work? Did they require much ref assistance? Did they disrupt roleplay? How well did they suit the genre?
How were you guided out-of-character (before, during and after the event)? Were you greeted on the gate?
Was the plot and background engaging and appropriate? Was there enough to dwell on during the event? Think about how immersive the event was and if you felt the flavour of the event shine through.


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