Insurrection Event Ten Insurrection LRP
Oct 18th - Oct 20th 2013
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Organiser / Campaign
Insurrection LRPGenre
High FantasyDescription
Cost: £47.50 if you book before the end of June 2013, £57.50 if you book in July or August 2013, £65 thereafter. Discounts will be available to those booking for Events Nine and Ten together before the end of February 2013 (£10 off the total) or to those referring a new player (£5 off the event after the one your recruit attends).Numbers: A maximum of 72 players (12 per faction), with at least half as many crew again (so 30+)
Crewing: We’d love for people to crew! It’ll be free, and we will do our best to look after you with lots of snacks and awesome NPC roles. We will be able to offer indoor sleeping for crew – see below.
Accommodation: All sleeping will be indoors. You will not be able to pitch a tent. You will need to bring a camp bed or other means of getting off the floor to sleep due to how cold the tunnels can get.
IC Premise: TBC
Other important stuff: Character generation is exactly as per the system documents. We’d prefer that everyone be part of one of the rebel factions (Dawning Light, Free Thought Radicals, The Mixed, Velvet Glove, Wayfarers’ Guild and the Woldscar Volunteer Force). Don’t worry if you don’t know anyone in the faction: we’ll put you in touch with other people wanting to play characters in the same group as you before the event. Once we receive a solid idea of the character you want to play, we’ll send you additional briefing sheets on your race, faction, and any Faith/Magic you might have.
Catering: We are finalising details of the event caterers. However, we will not be handling the money for catering for this event – more details to come soon!
Kingsford Country Park
West Midlands
DY11 5SA
United Kingdom